17th Century Oak Sculpture of St. Nicholas

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Monday, July 20, 2020

The latest entrant in our stock of unique artefacts is this 17th-century oak sculpture of St Nicholas rescuing three children.
Who was St. Nicholas?
St. Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra, a Christian monk from the third century A.D. He is considered to be the patron saint of children. Although much of the details about the life of St. Nicholas are uncertain, there are quite a few fold legends centred on his life. St. Nicholas day is celebrated on the 6th of December, which is believed to be the day of his passing. Apart from children, he is also considered to be a patron saint of sailors, wolves, and pawnbrokers, amongst many others.
This beautiful statue showcases St Nicholas rescuing three children from the brine barrel. There is an interesting legend around St. Nicholas and the Three Pickled Boys - The legend says that in the town of Myra, there was an evil shopkeeper who hated children. This shopkeeper kidnapped three young boys and pickled them in a barrel after chopping them with an axe. Upon hearing about this, St. Nicholas fervently prayed to the Lord, and it was the purity of his faith that brought the boys to back to life again. They came out of the pickle barrel singing "Alleluia!" while thanking God.
This legend has also been popularized by composer Benjamin Britten through his popular cantata "St. Nicolas" (op. 42) written by poet Eric Crozier. This 17th-century sculpture is a unique one in excellent condition.
Browse through to have a look at this beautiful artefact.