Tracery Panels

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Gothic architecture has been an important influence ever since its beginning. The Gothic period was characterized by beautiful things and Gothic  architecture was often considered the most important feature of the period. The Gothic architecture had its roots in the Romanesque art and started taking shape somewhere in the late 12th century to the early 13th century. The Gothic period is roughly classified into the early, high and the late Gothic periods and extends right up to the 16th century. The most powerful presentation of the Gothic art is seen in the cathedrals and abbeys as well as the castles, palaces and the town and guild halls. Apart from the astounding architecture of the period the other elements that were as famous were the rib vaults, window traceries, towers, pinnacles etc which were also incorporated into the décor of the cathedrals and the abbeys etc.

Traceries were a very common feature of the Gothic period and were widely used in screens, panels and most importantly windows. They were basically ornamental decorative moldings that created a beautiful intersecting pattern. Traceries showcased fine patterns of designs which were a well known feature of the period. We are furtunate enough tpo have some beautiful examples like this Early 16TH Cenury Carved Oak Gothis Tracery Panel. Circa 1520 that has great designs with fine colour and patination.
Another very good example of the tracery panels of the Gothic age a recent addtion to our collection of period oak. It is a stunning fine late 15th century carved oak gothic tracery panel. This exquisite item features a beautiful intersecting pattern which was a common feature of the Gothic art. The complete design lies within a molded border which gives it its wonderful finish. This piece is in excellent condition and absolutely flawless. The colour is a rich deep shade and the patina is great.
See many more similar examples of tracery in our carvings and works of art section on our website.